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Christian symbols as fundraiser ideas

Many churches and other non-profit organization that do God's work have the need to raise funds in order to continue in their endeavors. If you have been looking for fundraiser ideas, look no further, we have a great one for your organization or church that will help you raise money. We can help all denominations, including the following denominations:

  • Lutheran
  • Baptist
  • Catholic
  • Methodist
  • Non-denominational

Of course, this is just a partial list of the many churches whose groups would like to use Christian images in order to raise money for their purposes. Let us assist you in your fundraising efforts with our necklace creation program. Your church can raise money and reach out to others at the same time since our jewelry provides an excellent way to share your faith. Taking the words of the Bible to heart, as in Ephesians 6:23, "Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." The feeling these words create in our hearts is strong - share this feeling with others through Christian images and ministry.

Fundraiser ideas for religious organizations

Fundraiser IdeasIf you are looking for profitable fundraiser ideas for your church's youth group or other religious club/organization, come to Disciple's Cross. We have a great idea for you that involves creating cross necklaces and either selling them at your own fundraiser, or selling them back to us. Christian symbols like the cross tend to sell well at church fairs, so you might want to try this. However, if you would rather sell them back to us, we will buy them. Enjoy using your hands to help spread the word of God.